Concept art, Illustration

HUGE update

Some important notes before showing the new stuff from the last days.

I’m more motivated than ever but I feel like sometimes I get easily distracted or my time management is not as good as it could be so I finally made my schedule. The other day I wrote a post about my new livestream channel and now I stablished a time to do it everyday at the same time.

I will be ON for an hour on livestream everyday at 9AM CET starting at February 6th. The livestreams will be focused mostly for studies and they will be available on demand later.

Now you can follow me on twitter. I’ll try to keep my account active at least to notify updates and livestream sessions.

I also made a facebook page so you can “like” me and follow me there as well.

Now a look to my latest works. I continue taking part in CGHUB challenges but I noticed I need to be selective because I don’t have time for all of them. I could finish in time this Conan tribute for a Drawing Jam in a few hours but I couldn’t finish another work for the Anatomicae challenge. I’m going to finish the illustration I started as soon as possible anyway.

Before painting the Conan tribute I did a study of a bodybuilder that was very helpful.

I joined Crimson Daggers a couple of weeks ago and I have to say it’s very inspiring and motivates me a lot. Crimson Daggers is an online study group with great artists in it like Dave Rapoza, Dan Warre, Alex Negrea, John Silva, Mike Azevedo, Brent Hollowell and many many others. We’ve got the Bloodsports challenges, the forum where the artists show sketches, studies, and more.

Here is my entry for the Bloodsports #4. I didn’t have much time to polish the rendering but I don’t think the concept wouldn’t change that much if I had. Next challenge is about Miyazaki and hopefully I can spend more time for it.

And this week’s assignment for the environment design course.

New life drawing but this time a portrait, second in my life I draw with a model as reference not a picture.

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